Continuation of newsletter...
Thank you all for bearing with me on this technological quest ... migration from the publisher version. A new computer is coming to our house st the end of the month.
I would like to do a publisher news letter for a while longer, until we get our members used to the website.
As for Facebook is concerned, it has become a deterrent for anybody wanting to actually celebrate the good things in life. It truly is a shame to let it become a battle ground for hateful people. I will still continue to post announcements both locations, we have a lot of history on fb.
Last night at the meeting Scott mentioned to send us via text or emails photos of your experiences out and about. I have figured out how to post photos and articles as well. Here is my email...
Joe Carter had an excellent topic for the blog... sunscreen and skin cancer. There has been much research recently on products and clothing to protect us from sun damage
'This blog is for everybody! Please don't be shy and add your comments questions, and articles that our club will be interested in reading
Until my next entry...hugs love safety and adventure
VC Joy