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Susanne Johnson-Berns

April Minutes

SWSC April Meeting

4/13/17 8:00 pm @ Guston’s 23 members present

Meeting called to order by Scott. Waived reading of March minutes.

Commodore: Meeting notes under “News” on website. Visitors were introduced.

Vice Commodore: Race Saturday meet at 10. Memorial Day picnic we need a sponsor.

Fleet captain: Ed absent. Niles asked about races on calendar after July.

Purser: Balance as of 3/31 $1979.71. Dues can be sent to Ardythe.

Raft up: Schedule is on website calendar. See which ones you want to sign up for. Brad’s raft up will be Sat. And the lunch at the club will be Sunday 7/23.

Sea Scouts: Back from Carrabelle and had a successful trip. Have a few sailboats for sale.

Foghorn: Phone messages have started. Everyone loves Mary’s voice. Let Brad know if you didn't get a call or if you want a different number called.

Old Business: St.Thomas Cruise coming up the end of this month 4/28-4/30. Steve reported that the Dock at Red Top Mtn will be the meeting place Friday night.

Niles will be doing name tags for the Foghorn committee for our meetings. Scott reported about the Florida 120 in May the weekend after Mother's Day. The BEER Cruise in Pensacola will be mid June.

New Business: Scott shared t-shirt idea. Price would be $10 per shirt. Brad shared about chartering a boat for a week July 2018 out of St. Lucia. All are invited.

Membership: We had 5 guests return this month. Joy shared news about one of our new members.

Meeting adjourned at 8:56 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Laura Widmier, Yeoman

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