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Susanne Johnson-Berns

May Minutes

SWSC May Meeting

5/11/17 7:55 pm @ Guston’s 19 members present

Meeting called to order by Scott. Waived reading of April minutes. They will be posted on the website.

Commodore: Send your stories to Scott and he can post them on the website. Pictures shared from races and other events on the TV screen. Tshirts are available for ten dollars.

Vice Commodore: Joy updated the framed collage from the Marina Office to show current pictures. Memorial Day picnic is coming up and we need a host. Widmiers have the supplies. Half Yard race this weekend. Results posted on website from last race.

Fleet captain: Ed absent. Joy shared race information.

Purser: Balance as of 4/30/17 $2079.71.

Raft up: May 20th is our first raft up. Joe has the list if you would like to sign up for any of the upcoming raft ups.

Sea Scouts: Gary reported they still have boats for sale. Some of their members have received awards. Teaching sailing merit badges starting this weekend.

Foghorn: Brad absent.

Old Business: none

New Business: none

Membership: Joe shared information about Larry Nix’s health. The Carter’s 45th anniversary is this weekend.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Laura Widmier, Yeoman

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