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Susanne Johnson-Berns

June Minutes

6/8/17 pm @ 8:00 p.m. @ Guston’s 17 members present.

Meeting called to order by Scott at 8:00 p.m. Waived reading of May minutes. Minutes will be posted on the website on the blog.

Commodore: Scott shared some sailing related jokes. T-shirts are available for ten dollars through Scott.

Vice Commodore: Joy thanked Adina for hosting the last picnic. Joy will host the 4th of July picnic on 7/1 on picnic point.

Fleet captain: Ed absent. Joy shared upcoming and past race information.

Purser: Balance as of 5/31/17 $2154.71. A note from Gail Franklin was read.

Raft up: We’ve had 2 raft ups, both potlucks. Next ones are 6/17 and 7/8

Sea Scouts: none

Foghorn: Brad asked if there are any number changes needed for the phone messages. Evites have been added for raft ups and picnics via email. A flyer went out in the June bill from Harbor Town about our club. Brad also will be making name tags for our next meeting. AYC fireworks are 7/3. AYC lunch 7/23 @ 1:00. 16 dollars per person. Brad asked for volunteers to help with Commodore’s Ball. Brad also shared information about sailing lessons and certification from his friend Jim.

Old Business: T-shirts for sale through Scott for 10 dollars.

New Business: Joy shared an idea about getting a bench at the marina as a memorial for club members who have passed. Scott shared that our map for the lake can be moved since we cannot use the door on the bath house.

Membership: Joe shared information about Larry’s upcoming services this weekend.

Meeting adjourned at 8:48 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Laura Widmier, Yeoman

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