January Meeting Minutes
SWSC Meeting Minutes 1/11/18
Reading of the minutes waived.
Report from the commodore:
Improved website search on google.
Added to Google.
Updated website.
Need to work on newsletter
Refurbished race tackle and painted the marks
Will have learning get-togethers at Steve’s house.
Report from Vice Commodore
Met last week and approved race calendar.
Met withJ oe and added in raftups
Adding sailing day. Non race days we all meet on the lake to go sailing.
Voice of Mary comes in on a robodialer from Oklahoma.
Will send evites for events.
Will use Allatoona Yacht club docks for cruises instead of Red Top
Will take boat to Big Shanty Festival.
Are combining racing and raftups on same day.
Report from Fleet Captain
Race last weekend was cancelled.
Joy will be race committee this weekend.
Report from Purses
Not much activity this month
$1439.62 balance
New business
Update information on the members list next meeting.
No longer have official committee boat...they race with us.
Report from Joe Carter
Worked with vice Commodore on calendar
Have list for people to sign up for raftups.
May- Aug dinner at 7pm
After that dinner at 6pm
Joy doing picnics
Five or six picnics during year
First one is St. Patrick's day at the picnic point
Old business
Still waiting to hear from Marina on storage of race tackle.
New business
Introduce new folks
Becky and Allen are joining club
Gail and Kurt...friends of Alice. Also, Larry’s bday Tuesday.
Kanya is getting Catalina 22 and interested in club.
No other new business.
Scott Widmier/ Laura Widmier