October 2018 Minutes
SWSC October Meeting
10/11/18 pm @ Guston’s 13 members present
Meeting called to order by Steve at 8:00 p.m. Waived reading of September minutes. Minutes are posted on the website under “Club News”.
Commodore: Steve started the meeting. We have some activities coming up that the officers will share.
Vice Commodore: Brad reported that our Fall Cruise is coming up. Allatoona Yacht Club guest dock will be our Friday night 10/26 meet up location. You can leave your car at the Club if you need to. Brad will send out an e-vite since he is cooking dinner for Friday night. The Commodore’s Ball will be 11/10. BYOB and movie trivia. Bring a door prize to share. An e-vite will be sent for this as well.
Fleet captain: Susanne not present. Steve shared the next race is 10/20. 11/4 is Turtle Rock race. Joy reported that the race results have been entered. Last weekend we did not race due to lack of members and lack of wind.
Purser: Ardythe reported the balance is $2372.34 as of 10/11/18.
Raft up: Joe not present. Raft ups are finished for the year.
Sea Scouts: No report.
Foghorn: Please let Brad know if you aren’t getting emails or phone calls that are going out.
Old Business: T-shirts orders have been placed and are on their way. Scott will bring to the Friday night Fall Cruise get together to distribute. Christmas Party will be 12/13 at Joy and Doug’s house. Bring a wrapped white elephant gift. Steve shared the amended Article V. section 8 about officers’ terms. The amendment reads: “Officers may serve consecutive terms with the exception of the Commodore who may only serve two consecutive terms.” The amendment was passed. Officers nominations were announced. A motion for acclimation was made and all were in favor.
New Business: Joy brought SWSC burgees that she is selling for 20 dollars.
Membership: Steve and Renee and Gordon visited tonight. Alice shared that her Panama City condo is ok.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Laura Widmier, Yeoman