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Susanne Johnson-Berns

February 2019 Meeting Minutes

February SWSC Monthly Meeting


Guston’s Grille

Meeting called to order by Brad at 8:05 p.m. 29 members were present and 1 visitor. Waived reading of the minutes.

Commodore’s report: Brad welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced our visitor.

Vice Commodore’s report: Steve encouraged everyone to show up before the time of the skipper’s meeting time and get prepared so that we may start our race on time.

Fleet Captain’s report: Mike reported the results from the Frost Bite #2 race. The next race is this Saturday 2/16. The Bitter End Race is 2/23.

Purser’s report: Ardythe reported $2045.69. 2019 Membership dues are now due. $50.00 to Ardythe.

Membership: Joe visited us this evening. He has built a wooden sailboat. Joy reported that the St.Patrick’s picnic is 3/16 at 5 p.m. We sang happy birthday to 2 members. Andy shared his Piddle Paddle stories and received his 3 trophies from Commodore’s Ball.

Sea Scouts: none

Raft Ups: Joe has 4 openings left on the sign up list.

Old Business: none

New Business: none

Meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Laura Widmier, Yeoman

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