March 2019 Minutes
March SWSC Monthly Meeting
Guston’s Grille
Meeting called to order by Mike at 7:44 p.m. 20 members were present. Waived reading of the minutes.
Commodore’s report: Brad is travelling in Austria.
Vice Commodore’s report: Steve is out ot town. Mike reported that the St.Thomas cruise will be the weekend before Easter (April 13-14).
Fleet Captain’s report: Mike reported race results. Last weekend we were able to race around the island due to the high water level.
Purser’s report: Ardythe reported the balance as of today is $2370.69. 2019 Membership dues are now due. $50.00 to Ardythe.
Membership: none
Sea Scouts: none
Raft Ups: Joe reported our first raftup will be 5/18 and the theme will be Gilligan’s Island.
Old Business: St.Patrick’s picnic this Saturday at 5 p.m. Bring sides or desserts to share.
New Business: Scott invited everyone to the Florida 120--it is the weekend of 5/18. He also reported there is a free boat on Dock F - an O’Day 23.
Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
John presented to the club after the meeting about Kingdom Yacht Sailing Club (Lake Arrowhead, GA), ASA course offerings, and his trip from Nova Scotia to Maine.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Widmier, Yeoman