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Southwest Sailing Club - Minutes 2/13/2025

Commodore Chris Behnke

Vice Commodore Steve Trofemuk

Fleet Captain Bruce Lane

Purser Brian Kuhnel

Yoeman: Becky Combs


The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.


A motion was made to waive the reading of the minutes.  The motion was seconded and passed.


Vice Commodore Steve Trofemuk


Steve spoke about upcoming events.  Sunset sails will resume in March.  There is a “Moonshine Cruise” overnight planned on April 12th as there will be a full moon.  The Florida 120 is May 14 -18, 2025 in Pensacola, Florida.


The Lake Hartwell Cruise is tentatively set for June 6, 7, 8.


There will be a one time, “Beach Raft Up” on June 21, 2025. Those participating will beach their boats on the north shore of the lake (north of Harbor Town Island).  The plan for this raft up is to start it around 3:00 p.m. to allow trailer sailors time to pull their boats from the water before dark.   The tentative date for this is June 21, 2025. The other raft-ups on the calendar will be like previous raft ups.


Fleet Captain Bruce Lane


We held Frost Bite race #3 on February 1 with 5 boats participating. We ran three races in moderate winds with plenty of sunshine. Next race is February 15th. 


Purser Brian Kuhnel


Brian gave a financial report that we currently have a balance of around $3,200.


Commodore Chris


New business. Chris opened the meeting up for any new ideas for club activities. Steve Trofemuk brought up there has been an interest in a "sewing circle" for canvas and sail repair skills.  Steve is gauging interest in this endeavor.


There will be a St. Patrick's Day lunch at Donovan's Cobbler in Woodstock (1025 Rose Creek Dr, Woodstock, GA 30189).  The date is March 15, 2025 and we are to meet by 11:00 am.


Chris recognized Ken Ogle for his assistance in repairs to his outboard motor.  Chris encouraged the members to utilize the willingness of other club members to help with maintenance/repairs on their own boats.


As to old business Renae Gunter submitted receipts from the 2024 Commodore's Ball in the amount of $434.09.  Expenses were approved via membership vote.



Sea Scouts – Gary HolcombSea Scouts have several boats for sale.  Gary mentioned using Sea Scouts as racing boat crewmembers.  It was suggested to Gary that he contact Bruce Lane in advance of the races to determine if there will be enough racing boats to utilize Sea Scouts as crewmembers.


Knot Talk


Jacob Christian, Cherokee County Firefighter, did a presentation on safety on the lake, safety equipment for your boat, rescuing a drowning person, and the "What Three Words" app for your phone for locating a vessel in trouble.  Cherokee County operates rescue boats out of Victoria Marina and Little River.



Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.




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